“A unified global rating system has been proposed by the World Hotel Project” – Do hotel star ratings mean anything anymore? (CNN)
“The World Hotel Rating project seeks to standardize hotel ratings throughout the world, adding international criteria and standards. It’s an exciting idea; if successful the program would be very useful to travelers.” – Understanding Hotel Star And Diamond Ratings (Fox News)
“World Hotel Rating System proposed a worldwide standard for rating properties” – What do hotel star ratings really mean? Not much (USA Today)
“Until standardisation becomes a reality, consumers need to rely on more than just star-ratings. Websites such as TripAdvisor rank properties based on user feedback, and though there are often a few suspiciously glowing reviews, reading the posts can help clarify whether a hotel is worthy of its star rating. World Hotel Rating (WHR), a private organisation, is working on a system where consumers will be able to compare five-star hotels around the world. ” – The definition of five star (Conde Nast Traveller)
“Different countries have different systems (sometimes more than one rating system in the same country) and this isn’t something that has a global standard, although sites like world hotel rating.com are currently trying to establish a unified rating system” – The Burj Al Arab’s seven-star myth (Esquire)
“In part, because of this ratings confusion, there is now some interest in an international standard. The World Hotel Rating project seeks to standardize hotel ratings throughout the world, adding international criteria and standards. It’s an exciting idea; if successful the program would be very useful to travelers. ” – Understanding Hotel Star And Diamond Ratings (AskMen)
“The integrity of a hotel adds to the experience of the guest, so it’s pivotal that your staff maintain a professional front in all interactions while on the establishment. Active management and supervision among your staff along with ensuring their personal development will ensure that your integrity remains high. With that all said, a unified global rating system has been put forward by the World Hotel Rating Project, which aims to “create a universal language of the hospitality industry and direct interface between travellers, hotels and tourism professionals.” – Global hotel ratings: Is a universal system needed? (Moneyweb)
“Then there’s the World Hotel Rating (WHR) project. Incorporated in 2009, World Hotel Rating aims to develop a worldwide system that rates hotels and resorts using the same criteria. Since 2009, WHR has established 10 different categories of hotels. It now features 75,000 hotels and more than 500 hotel chains in 25 countries across the globe.” – How Hotel Rating Systems Work Across the Globe (Travel Pulse)
“It has been considered that, as it has been the case in other areas (e.g. international accounting standards), hotel classification standards should result from a private and independent initiative. This may be the case of the World Hotel Rating (WHR) project, which notably aims to set international classification standards and rating criteria along the lines of a world star-rating system. It will also establish an information platform on the hotel industry which will be multilingual and multicultural.” – How do a hotel get star rating ? (Daily Jag)
“The World Hotel Rating project aims to set international classification standards and rating criteria along the lines of a world star-rating system” – Modern Hotel Operations Management by Michael Chibili
“There is so far no international classification which has been adopted. There have been attempts at unifying the classification system so that it becomes an internationally recognized and a reliable standard, but they have all failed. It has been considered that, as it has been the case in other areas (e.g. international accounting standards), hotel classification standards should result from a private and independent initiative. This may be the case of the World Hotel Rating (WHR) project, which notably aims to set international classification standards and rating criteria along the lines of a world star-rating system. It will also establish an information platform on the hotel industry which will be multilingual and multicultural. WHR intends to play a key role in the development of quality hotel services, as well as equitable and sustainable tourism, and the protection of the world’s cultural and natural heritage. In addition, WHR will develop labels to promote hotels distinguished by specific features, such as a family and child-friendly disposition. A test period was scheduled for 2010.” – Hotel rating (Wikipedia)